Journal to Joy
Learn how to use journaling to transform how you feel in just 10 minutes a day!
Learn How Journaling Can Help You Shift How You Feel!
(So you can get moving with more confidence and courage toward your GOALS!)
In this 1-hour online journaling class, I share with you exactly how to create a 10-minute a day journaling habit to help you balance your emotions and your energy so you can feel more optimistic and motivated to take action on your goals. Journaling can help you move from dwelling on negativity to feeling excited, expansive, energized, balanced and in a better mindset to go about your day.
Using journaling as one of my daily wellness tools, I went from feeling lost – to having the clarity and courage to face hardships and still seek out my dreams – and you can too!
What’s inside the online journaling course:
I take you through journaling, from "soup to nuts"! I share with you the exact same practice I used to help myself work through sadness, anxiety, fear, and limiting beliefs to feel more grounded in the present and in the truth.
Along with the 1 hour video class, I’m also excited to give you…
- A Joyful Affirmations download; Affirmations retrain your subconscious mind to empower your belief in yourself. I explain in the video how to use these with your journaling when you need mindful resets
- A month’s worth of transformative journal prompts so you have ideas to try out as you begin to discover your own unique journaling style. Journal prompts make it easier to jumpstart healing and progress in moving yourself forward.
- A journaling habit tracker so you can build trust and integrity with yourself that you do what you say you're going to do. This tracker provides accountability as you commit to this self-care habit of giving yourself 10 minutes of heart-centering love and attention per day
- A sample journal sheet and a blank journal sheet to use if or when a notebook/journal isn’t available to you. The sample sheet makes it simple for you to commit to untangling your thoughts and emotions so you can build the mood and energy to take aligned actions toward what you want. Whether that is to have the courage to deal with the grief you've been burying; or to take steps forward in your divorce; or to improve your health and wellness; or to find a fulfilling relationship or career. It's all possible - and it starts with shifting the way you feel.
This journaling course is perfect for you if:
- You've gone through, or are in, a challenging season of your life - you're facing heartbreak from divorce, betrayal, grief, empty nest, chronic disease, narcissistic abuse, trauma, disappointment with your career, your relationship, etc...
- You’ve tried to journal, but you feel kind of silly writing to no one, you lose interest after a few days, or it never feels productive.
- You’ve been so focused on caring for and pleasing everyone else that you barely recognize who you are anymore.
- You’ve lost your connection, your relationship, with yourself.
- You feel disconnected and out of alignment with anything that feels true, exciting, expansive.
- You’re emotionally exhausted, anxious, battling self-doubt, stuck on past hurts, and not finding any bliss (except maybe in the bottom of ice cream carton).
This course will show you how to use journaling as a powerful, free, portable key to discovering, unlocking and releasing the emotional blocks that are keeping you feeling stuck!
Journaling can help you relearn who you really are without anyone else telling you who you are.
Learn how to use journaling to heal, to express yourself, to move forward and to find joy!